Venimus, vidimus, audivimus vocem

Just as Robert Plant was to Led Zeppelin, as Stevie Nicks was to Fleetwood Mac, as David Lee Roth was to Van Halen, and as Freddie Mercury was to Queen, so too is NY's own Anti-Social Music channeling the power of the human voice in its next all-premieres show, June 21st at the National Opera Center in Manhattan.

But we're going one step further than those sad little aforementioned "music bands," we're backing all the vocalists with SHEER. CHAMBER. MUSICIAN. MAGIC. That's right, no boring ol' guitar, bass, and drums here – no siree ma'am – we're talking piano and cello. Piano and flute! Contra bass, two cellos, and viola! Flute, clarinet, trumpet, guitar, piano, violin, two violas, two cellos, and bass. We could go on, but you get the picture.

This performance of never-before-heard music comes to you from Max Duykers, Rima Fand, Al Giusto, Dan Lasaga, David Mallamud, Pat Muchmore, Barry Seroff, and Jeff Hudgins by way of Anti-Social Music. It will pull on your soulstrings like nothing but God has before. You won't believe your ears. God won't believe his ears. Her ears. Whatever.

Come bear witness to the performing talents of Hubert Chen, Ty Citerman, Jeanann Dara, Loren Dempster, Rima Fand, Jeff Hudgins, Brad Kemp, Patti Kilroy, Pat Muchmore, Kamala Sankaram, Barry Seroff, Aaron Shugge, Greg Squared, George Wright and more! Only then will this sentence make any sense: Join us as we find The Way In from the Winter Seed, Oh Lord! Shake off this Flyte of Indecision from Sneaky and the Bullfighter. Vanquish HyperBABEL with Atheist Hymns and a Mannequin Heart.

Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 8pm
National Opera Center
330 7th Ave

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and in part with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency. Which is basically to say - your tax dollars at work. Yeah, frightening isn't it?

Past Performances: