Slumming in the Slope!


Missed our kickass show?
Read what our guest blogger had to say!


If you hate classical music as much as I do, you'll love this.
I hate classical music almost as much as I hate dogs.
Do you know where there are a lot of dogs? Park Slope.
Dogs, and babies.
Don't you love the sound of a squealing, sick baby during a quiet contemplative moment in a concert full of sensitive, atonal, and slightly upsetting music?
Sure, we'll have babies at our shows. Why do you think we're doing a show in Park Slope? Cause we love babies. And whiskey.
When your baby gets sick, just give em a little whiskey
Park Slope, you know what that's like, dogs, babies, cats, numbered streets, avenues, hot nuts, cheap sunglasses, that one taco truck, no hobos, short stop lights, no drug dealers, prolly a couple of serial killers.
Also, vegans.
And bicycles. What's up with fixed gear bikes? Why do you want to keep moving your legs faster and faster as you ride down a hill? Does that give you more of a sense of control? I'd think it would shoot your knees out.

See you there.

Our 19th All Spanking Brand New Music Extravaganza.

Pieces that have never been heard before ever by Melissa Dunphy, Pat Muchmore, Ed RosenBerg, Jim Altieri, Jonathan Vincent and Barry Seroff.

Friday, March 4th, 8pm

315 4th Avenue, between 3rd and 2nd streets
Park Slope, Brooklyn

Directions: F to 9th street/4th Ave, M/R to Union Street

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and in part with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency. Which is basically to say - your tax dollars at work. Yeah, frightening isn't it?

Past Performances: